Monday 4 July 2005


Yesterday I went to Bologna to visit Emilia. We went, with her brother and his two daughters (Jessica and Ylenia) to Castel del Rio, to their medieval festival. Gawd. It was pretty awful. They had a mock witch hunt and trial. Oh how we all laughed. Still though, she looked pretty guilty to me, so my conscience is clear.

This week it's library work, though this afternoon I'm going to go to the pool for some 'me' time. I also want to do a bit of reading. My friend Paola has offered to bring me to the Certosa a Galluzzo tomorrow and I'm rather looking forward to it. The last time I was here I was researching my undergraduate thesis on the Certosa di Padula. Beautiful. Visit it if you are anywhere in the south of Italy.

This morning, on the train back from Bologna, a man sitting opposite me had a watch on each wrist. I thought that they would have different times, that he might have been from another country or something, but they both had exactly the same time. Why do you think he would go around with two watches? Does anyone have any ideas?

Just found this cool website for O/P and S/H books in Italy: Maremagnum


hesitant hack said...

God just logged onto the Certosa website and the memories it brought back. Really physical sensations as I looked at the photographs – the hum of the heat and the silence, and the dust on the roads as you set about climbing that hill back up to the village…that deep blue sky pressed in on you, it was so damn hot!

hesitant hack said...

when is emilia going down to Padula?

Miglior acque said...

Sometime at the end of next week I think, but I'm not sure. I know, the heat. It will be pretty hot down there now I would say.

Anonymous said...

Was either of the watches a Rolex? You notice that sort of thing!!!

Miglior acque said...

Oh har har. Actually neither of them was a Rolex...which made me even more puzzled!


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