exhibition to celebrate an International Dante seminar, to be held in September, has opened at the Bodleian Library, and runs from 19 June to 31 October 2007. It is a
must see for anyone in the area. The exhibition celebrates all three fourteenth-century masters, but the balance of material is slightly weighted towards Dante, mainly because of its attention to the nineteenth century, and some fascinating material from the
Tom Phillips archive. A beautiful and scholarly
catalogue accompanies the exhibition, edited by the inestimable Martin McLoughlin and Zygmunt Baranski.
Highlights include the wonderful Holk. misc. 48 (left), Dante's
Comedia, as well as Petrarch's own copy of Suetonius'
Lives of the Caesars and Ambrose's
Letters, with his marginalia. There are many other beautiful manuscripts in the exhibition and I am looking forward to popping in regularly over the summer.